My friends, you will have to forgive me for taking so long to write a post. I have been spending my days meditating, and by meditating I of course mean trying to find a deeper meaning to life.....just kidding, I've been filling my days by rubbing that quick one off to Miley Cyrus, although she's starting to lose her appeal to me(probably b/c she's so old now). But I digress, it's time to end my silent strike and start posting, because if I don't my friends will forget who I am, what I do, and why I go to the MVC tourney. I really don't have a theme for this post. Just wanted to post something to let people know I'm blogging it up again. I want to list a few quick things I miss:
1)My friends: Matt, Chad, Martin, Fred, and of course Justin....and all the others that are not friend enough to post a name for.
2)Kevins mom.
3)Fucking Kevins mom.
4)Making love to Kevins mom.
5)Fingering Kevins mom.
6)Doing Kevins mom in the ass.
7)That time I thought I was having sex with Kevins mom, but it turned out to be Kevins dad....(i'll let you in on a secret, I knew it was Kevins Dad)
Well that's it for now, I'll post something soon. I have so many interesting things to post about. If you would like to hear my opinion on any topics please let me know through your comments. No subject is tabou. Let me give you some ideas for giving me ideas for things to write about. E.G. Clint, I would love to hear your opinion about Kevins Mom. or Hey Clint, I would love to hear your opinion about Kevins moms naked body, or Hey Clint, what's the deal with you and Kevins mom? If your lucky enough, I might blog abut a topic you inquired about. That's it for now, I look forward to writing again.
To Be Continued....