The older I get the more I ponder the question..."What is the meaning of life?" I have had a lot of things going on as of late that inspire me to give my views on what the meaning of life is. Unfortuneately no one asked me to give my opinion on the meaning of life, as I was banking on, but instead prefer me to give the reason black people have ashy elbows.
So here goes....the reason black people have ashy elbows. But before I give my reason for black peoples ashy elbows, let me doubly emphasize my disapointment for no one asking me to post something profound....like the meaning of life. I am very very disapointed, because I have so much to teach those who have questions about things, such as the meaning of life. For heavens sake, me giving an expose on why ball sacs are wrinkly would look like the most profound thing every written next to why black peoples elbows are ashy.
Without further interuption, here is the reason black people have ashy elbows: And that reason is because they eat so much fried chicken. Fried chicken is the leading cause of ashyelbowidous. The only cure is not being lazy, swimming, or being white. I chose to be white a coons age ago. There you have it folks, the reason the blacks have ashy elbows. Please give me something better to write about next time.