Monday, September 8, 2008

This is Me Catering To Martin

How about those Titans. Man, I know what a lot of you are thinking....the titans suck. I'm here to tell you that the Titans are awsome. I mean seriously, who can't love a team that was once in the largest city in America, named after the largest sorce of energy in the world....only to move to a country music state, and named after people from the movie "300", oh those were spartans, close enough. Speaking of 300, I burnt that illeagaly the other day. To me a movie isn't worth watching unless it is downloaded illeagaly, the same follows suit with music. I'm getting off track, I also want it noted that the Houston Astros.....hold on I just came a little....the Houston Atros are like my fave team. That lance Berkman fella...yeah what a catch...I used to say I had a man crush for him, but fuck that, I'm totally gay for the dude and I want him to have my children. I watched Junior, and I sometimes wish that Berkman could do what Arnold did. I digress, did somebody say something about Fantasy Sports...Man am I into fantasy sports. The only thing that pisses me off, is that no matter what league I'm in, I always need to mention how I have the best team and I don't understand how I keep losing. It always gets me to the point where I threaten to leave the league or bench my players. Seriously, if it wasn't for getting outscored all the time I would be undefeated. In closing I would like to pledge alligance to the Mizzou Tigers, I love you boys, make me proud this year. I'm so glad I love the best teams in the world like Rockets, Titan, Tigers, Baers, Astros, and what ever gay soccer team that plays in europe.

WAR chewing tobacco
WAR dosequise
WAR Martin saying one positive fucking thing about my blog
WAR Martin taking care of my tickets
WAR Martin getting pregnant
WAR Martin pulling his lance jerkman
WAR Miley Cyrus



Martin said...

Now there's a quality post. Your blog is improving by the day. Lance Jerkman - quality stuff...

Justin said...

I enjoyed this post.