Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Quick Movie Reviews

As I get ready to head towards Gaylord Michigan, I am thinking to myself "self, I might not make it back". So in the event that this is indeed my last blog, I would like it to be something people can remember me by........and that is with some quick movie case you get bored and want to watch a movie this weekend. You all can think had Clint not given his life up for a trip to Gaylord Michigan, then I probably would have never watched "to be named movie". So, here we go, my quick to the point movie reviews...

1)Death Race
If your the type of person that takes movies literally and can't suspend reality then this movie isn't for you. If you like hard action, cars, violence then this movie is for you. This would not be a waste of time if you only had a few hours to live.

2)Ritiouse Kill
You would think with a killer cast this movie is a can't miss. You would be wrong. If I was about to die and watched this movie, I probably would have died at some point in the movie from boredom. Probably within the first 15 minutes. Do not waste your time with this movie.

3)Burn After Reading
I'm not saying just anyone is going to like this movies. But, if you like the Cowen brothers, which I do, then more than likely you will love this movie. Some of you might be disappointed with their last movie, namely for the ending, but this ending is a must see and might be their best ending to any movie they have made. I will go as far as to say that the ending might be one of the best ever. I for one am glad I took time out of my life before my death to watch this movie.

4)American Carol
I went in already leaning to the right, and thought this movie was a can't miss. I was wrong, the humor was lame, the points were kind of a's kind of hard for me to recommend this movie when Bill Oreilly is the funniest thing in it. But since I lean to the right I will say beyond a shadow of a doubt this is the best most funny movie of the year. A must see before anyone dies. In fact I will go on a limb and say you can't get through the pearly gates without watching this movie.

5)Eagle Eye
I would like to give an accurate review of this movie but I kept falling in and out of sleep. If you watch this movie, you will probably say to yourself "man I should watch Death Race" So, you should probably save yourself the regret and watch death race. Don't take that as me not recomending this movie, which I'm not, take it as me saying that Death Race is awsome, which I am. What movie am I reviewing, oh yeah Eagle Eye, it's watchable....probably better wait til dvd or dollar theater, but if you think you might die on a trip to Gaylord Michagan watch it before the trip and pay a full ticket price.

Well, I'm hope this helps everyone decide what to waste your valuable time. I hope I make it back from Gaylord Michigan.......I can't believe I'm going to Gaylord Michigan......hell yeah I'm buying a shirt.


Martin said...

So, judging by the recentness of these movie releases, I take it there's not much for ya to do down there in Louisiana, so you just go to the movies all the time? That, or you you use like the other less scrupulous (meaning having less scruples...) amongst us. I've got some scruples, but I'm workin on getting rid of those..

A Guy said...

Thanks for calling me and telling me your going to Gaylord Michigan, Clint. You know I see your post only once a week. You could be dead right now and I wouldn't know it.

In case you are dead. I'm sorry for everything I've done bad to you. Please dont haunt my car breaks and cause me to rear-end a school bus carrying a bunch girlscouts because a shcool bus is bigger than my car and could very well kill or maim me.
...I also think Death Race would be good movie to watch.
(Ps: No ending beats Any Given Sunday.)
(Pss: Money-shots are over-rated)