I never thought in a million years I would have to defend my position on the ladder of friendship. I understand this will be put to a vote by the current rungs. So, I will have to appeal to each one of you individually . Hold on, its a nick jonas and Miley Cyrus video.....Now I'm inspired...here we go.
You know I have always appreciated your friendship. I understand you recently got put back on the ladder you were once taken off of. So, you of all people should not want to put me through that hell, that you have experienced first hand.....hold on that miley, NIck song ended up being a Selena Gomez and the other two brothers video......This could totally make a good porn. Anyway, point is I fully expect to receive your vote. If you vote for me I will suck your balls whilste you do the famous Justin Balls voice....I luv it.
Do I really need to beg for your vote? We have slept together, eaten together, through a gay party together, and last but not least we bought dish tv together. You wouldn't even be on this ladder if it wasn't for me getting team leader in our business management class earning me an even higher score than the group. Thank god I have killer paper rock siccor skills. Chad if you vote for me I will let you win paper rock siccors for sucking your balls. But just to be safe lets say if I win I suck your balls too.
also next
We have done a lot together. You even let my evil hampster live in your house for a while, at the same time Brian Appleseed lived there, that's when I knew you liked me. Remember that time I filled your hole at your house. I even had some of my mud get on me and had to use your hose to wash it off. I had to turn your hose on first and then, turn it off till the liquid stopped cumming out. But, that's neither here nor there. For you, to earn your vote, I will do something different than the other two, I will suck your balls, whilste using both thumbs simultaneously shoving them up your hiney hole.
Last but not least
I, in no way expect to receive your vote. But I do know it has to suck to not have anybody to compete with. We have done the milk challenge together, peep challenge, cracker challenge, and swim ac cross the pond challenge. If I'm not on the ladder who would you have to compete with. Regardless of if you vote for me, I will full out have gay sex with you(not after your married though....it's a sin at that point)
So, Gentlemen, I would appreciate to stay on the ladder. I am still the same person I was before I left for Louisiana, except I play pool, and magic the gathering. I in know way have increased my friend making abilities down here(or made myself more appealing to other guys....please note the magic and pool reference). I haven't made any new friends, no matter how many guys balls I suck. If I don't have you that I have nothing. That would leave me with my wife and son, and what kind of life would that be just to have those two. In closing, no matter what happens, can we still suck each others balls from time to time.
Take a while and think about what your losing if you don't vote for me.
Your Yahoo Fantasy Football Champion,
El Grande Vergas
I mean just Clint
If you don't vote for me or let me suck your balls....I will rape you
What am I...chop-fucking-liver?
I am so confused! You did miss Maxie, the world's largest wild goose this weekend.
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