As I have stated, I would like to keep my blog going. So I will be redesigning my page. I just wanted anybody who actually follows this blog, to know that. I will also be allowing anonymous posts. That way if I ever type something inapropriate, you will not be attached to this blog. I will however be watching the things I say. You can rest assured that I will try and keep this page pg-13. For example, my sweet pic is of my son riding in a busy street with his great grandfather, or you could view it as a pedaphiles fantasy. (That comment is so pg-13)
A quick view of things I will be posting about:
1. Resident Evil in 3-D
2. My brother and sister getting married (one of these was a surprise)
3. The Hornets upcoming season
4. My love of a certain Missouri State Basketballer (can you cas who)(I know who it is)
5. A day in the life of a roof estimator (this will be like an e-job shadow) personally I have always wanted to job shadow someone, but sadly this has never happened for me.
6. Top fast food chains for a breakfast burito
Anyway, I look forward to touching on these topics for the entertainment of me, and to maybe keep my friends in the Clint loop.
1 comment:
Your brother and sister got married and it was a surprise. which side of the aisle do you sit on in such cases?
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