I really have had nothing to write about lately. I keep seeing my brother post magical, fantastical things(e.g. Charles Dickandnuts P.H.D.), and I have nothing. I really didn't think this blog stuff through. I didn't realize how little I had to say.....mmmm. What to talk about? What's going on in my life......oh I remember....none of my friends called me on my birthday. My birthday is the day that I burst out of my mothers vagina. I remember as if it were yesterday. Sometimes, when I'm looking at porn(which is rare) I often gander at the soft, suptle lips of a ladies vagina and birthday memories come flashing to me. To think that I burst into this world through one of those vaginas. I thank God, when I get the chance, that I was born vaganally and not by cesarian(which is the gay way to be born). I really pity cesarian babies, because when they watch porn they can never have birthday memories. They need to watch a slasher film, or a stomach staple operation to have a flash back of their day of birth.......fags. Anyway, I'm losing my train of thought...where was I......oh yeah....when life hands you lemons....no not their yet...my moms vag "j" "j"....wait I better quit while I'm ahead. Here's the kicker to my story, when life hands you lemons make lemonade. Also, post note, that I came out of a vagina, and sucked on tit milk when I was born. All on the first day of life. Pretty amazying stuff. Namely don't forget the lemonade advice though, everything else was just filler.
1 comment:
Clint, great post. It made me laugh and think (which is an indicator of a great post.)
I also want to applaude you on getting my, I'm sorry, I mean "our" mother's pussy lips mentioned on the World Wide Web. It is in no way disturbing to me. In fact, I think there should be more mention of our parents' bottom and talleywacker.
On further reflection on this hairy subject, I believe there should be a month dedicated to one's parent's private parts.
Why not make it this month? I hereby proclaim December not only Christmas, but Parent's Private Parts Month (PPPM) as well. Take that Black History Month (who gives a shit if black people invented things, I would still love them even if they didn't. In fact, I would love them more because I wouldn't be intimidated by their smarts.)
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